The MaxYourBrain mission is to share stories to motivate others and raise funds for innovations in technology and brain cancer research to improve treatments for cancer patients.
Founder -
We are not here to life, but to thrive. Surgery, chemo, radiation, occupational, and physical therapies were the pegs of Max’s childhood as he grew into his teen years and adulthood to make definitive decisions regarding his brain cancer diagnosis. Max Merget overcome brain cancer five times so far. At the age of 3, diagnosed with stage four brain cancer that occupied 2/3 of his head. The cancerous tumor was the size of a grapefruit and was removed by surgery followed by chemo treatments. The cancer returned at the age of 4, which was again removed by surgery followed by radiation treatments. The cancer returned at 7 years old and was removed by surgery.
At 17 years old, after 10 years of being cancer-free, his neurosurgeon said, “Max. Your cancer is back… but we have options this time…” Before, it was straight to an 8-hour surgery the following day and then additional therapy like chemo or radiation therapy. Due to the size and location of the fourth tumor, it was decided on the new, at the time, form of radiation treatment - Stereotactic radiosurgery, or SRS for short. It was a new therapy that was very noninvasive, unlike surgery. The understanding that his cancer can come back combined with the medical advancements ignited the power to create MaxYourBrain.
Max finds himself to be very fortunate to have been able to bounce back and survive brain cancer for the fifth reoccurrence. The MYB team will help raise awareness and money so that brain cancer patients can have a healthier life.
"I don't know who I'd be without cancer, but I love who I am with it."
Copyright © 2018 MaxYourBrain